Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. This policy sets out how we collect, use and store your personal information when you use this website. We collect and hold information to properly identify you, reduce the risk of fraud, and to fulfil our contract with your when you make purchases through our online store.

This policy may be updated from time to time, and you should check back here frequently to ensure you are aware of the most current privacy policy.

The information that we may collect includes:

  • Your name,
  • Your address, delivery address, email address, telephone number and other contact information,
  • Your payment information,
  • Your likes and preferences for our newsletters, blogs, advertising and survey purposes

How we may collect your information:

  • By you providing it to us directly.
  • By you authorising third parties to provide it to us.
  • By cookies in our website obtaining information from your device or web browser. You can usually configure your web browser to automatically accept cookies, or to ask each time cookies attempt to access your device/browser.

From time to time, we may have links to other websites on our website. Once you use these links and leave our website, we cannot be held responsible for, or guarantee how your information is obtained, used or stored by the third-party website. You will need to read the third-party website privacy policy and make your own assessment about any privacy risk to you.

Your personal information may be received and held either as a hard copy, paper, or a soft copy being electronic data, in any available form. In either case, we take the security of personal information very seriously. We secure hard copy documents carefully in and out of our office. We use cyber-security systems to protect soft copy documents. We do not retain payment information from you in either soft copy of hard copy unless you specifically request that we do so.

The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information are:

  • to offer our products and services to our customers.
  • to facilitate our internal and external administrative processes including financial and business operations and reporting requirements.
  • to obtain, maintain and comply with the terms of our insurance policies; and
  • to comply with applicable laws.

You can contact us to change or update your personal information. If you have previously authorised us to retain and use your information for a particular purpose, you can contact us and change that authority. You will just need to email us at

Customers may be formally identified before releasing or amending any personal information.